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Yellow Papaya Pulp Manufacturer, Supplier from Chittoor

35.00 - 45.00 / 1 Kilogram

1000 Kilogram (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20° C 8 – 10 °Brix
Acidity (as citric acid) 0.4-0.60%
pH <4.0
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Preferred Buyer From

Location Anywhere in India

Product Details

Specks Count Black
Nil per 10 gms
<10 per 10 gms
Consistency (cm/30 sec by Bostwick)
08 to 12
Typical to Pappaya
Product is packed in Aseptic Bag in Drum using a polyliner

Yellow Papaya Pulp is manufactured from a hand picked chosen variety of papayas through a series of processes that include washing, peeling, ripening, inspecting and finally extraction of pulp through thermal processing. Papaya pulp is free from any pathogenic bacteria. Yellow papaya pulp contains nutrients that prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, occurring of heart attacks or strokes as it contain large amounts of Vitamin C and vitamin A. Yellow papaya pulp can be blended into a creamy salad dressing, sauce and in baby foods.

We manufacture and export finest quality of yellow papaya pulp that can be used in a wide variety of food products.

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