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White Guava Pulp -WGP Manufacturer, Supplier from Chittoor

35.00 - 39.00 / 1 Kilogram

1000 Kilogram (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier, Trader
Shelf Life 18 Months At Normal Ambient Conditions
Taste Typical To Guava
Color Creamish White
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Preferred Buyer From

Location Anywhere in India

Product Details

Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20° C
8 – 10 °Brix
Acidity (as citric acid)
Specks Count Black
Nil per 10 gms
<10 per 10 gms
Consistency (cm/30 sec by Bostwick)
08 to 12
Product is packed in Aseptic Bag in Drum using a polyliner
Net Weight
215 Kg/Drum for Aseptic Bags
Storage Condition
Storage at Ambient Temperature

White Guava Pulp is extracted from manually harvested matured, sound, cleaned and ripened white guava fruits. The preparation process includes cutting, destoning, refining and packing. In case of aseptic product, the pulp is sterilized and packed in aseptic bags. High quality control standards are followed at each stage of processing guava pulp.

Fresh guava fruit pulp can be added to fruit breads, cakes, tarts, muffins, pie-fillings, icings, donuts, ice-creams, fruit bars, milk shakes, yogurts, puddings, toppings, cereals, juices, strained fruit, fruit deserts, fruit drinks, etc. The sweet flavor and natural Vitamin C makes it a significant product for commercial purposes.

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